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Application Form: 4th German Collaborative Summer School in Epidemiology

I hereby apply for the Summer School Complexity

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Personal information

* Pflichtfeld

Education / work experience

* Pflichtfeld

Fee according to participant status

Please transfer the registration fee as soon as possible (the number of participants is limited) to

University of Munich
Account number: 24868
Bank number: 700 500 00
Bank: Bayerische Landesbank

IMPORTANT: You must specify the following reference number!

Reference number: Kapitel 1507, TG 77, AOSt 731190-5, BKZ 4200.0276.8108
and Your full name

For international transfer of the registration fee you may use the following IBAN number:DE53 7005 0000 0000 0248 68 and the BIC-code: BYLADEMMXXX

Please note that your participation is only binding after the complete payment of the registration fee.


* Pflichtfeld


    max. Dateigröße: 11 MB
    nicht erlaubte Dateitypen: EXE BIN


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